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List of products by brand Naturally Yarns NZ

In the 1980s Wentworth Distributors NZ Ltd. was owned by Went Ferdinands and was known as the Wendy Wools hand knitting yarn distributor for New Zealand.  Went, however, had a dream.  He wanted to sell balls of yarn to every retailer in New Zealand and he wanted it to be his own label.  During a moment of contemplation on how he was going to do this, he scripted the word “Naturally” on a piece of paper and the dream came to life.  The first yarns sold by Naturally were Pure Wool Natural Hanks, a natural un-dyedNew Zealand spun wool. The brand was widely accepted in New Zealand and more yarns were added until a full range of New Zealand made yarns made up the collection

In 2007, the company was bought by Vimar 1991 s.a.s, an Italian yarn producer.  Shortly thereafter Vimar 1991 s.a.s. bought the Filatura di Crosa international trademark and Wentworth Distributors NZ Ltd. became the sole distributor for Filatura di Crosa in both New Zealand and Australia.  In addition to theNaturally, Filatura di Crosa, Wendy, Peter Pan, Twilleys, Tahki Stacy Charles and Misti Alpaca, the company has sourced high end accessories such as Addi, Quill and Bamboo needles to complement the range.


Wentworth Distributors NZ Ltd. prides itself on maintaining the “Made in New Zealand factor in our Naturally range and is always supporting local New Zealand wool producers wherever possible.  


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